The Hospital is located near the city center and is easily accessible by bus or car. It is in a quiet location, surrounded by a beautiful park with lots of trees.
We receive private, semi-private or basic insured patients.
Our licensed physicians and all staff are committed to providing high quality, personalized care in a nice and caring environment.
You arrive by train
From Fribourg train station, take trolley No 6 (Guinzet Cantonal Hospital) which takes you directly to the Hospital (travel time 10 min.). Or No 2 every 10 minutes.
You arrive by car
Motorway exit Fribourg-Sud / Cantonal Hospital. At the first roundabout, descend to the left over the town. At the 3rd roundabout, turn left towards Cantonal Hospital and turn right directly towards Parc Hôtel / Daler Hospital (travel time from the motorway exit 5 min.).